Wine – Specific Wine Applications Don’t Have Internet Access


I installed Wine and tried to install Evernote with it. I got an old install file of Evernote ( because this version worked under Ubuntu 14.04. I'm now using Ubuntu 15.04.

When I launch Evernote, an error message pops up, telling me that it can't connect to the server.

So I downloaded Firefox for Windows, installed it using Wine and it has internet access.

I also tried cleaning out my Wine prefix and using a newer version of Evernote ( in case the server doesn't accept the old one any longer.

[ I'm aware of the fact that there are alternative clients but I prefer the original application for various reasons. ]

Best Answer

There is a solution suggested in this post: How to configure wine to install Evernote?, explained further here: instalar-evernote-en-linux (is in Spanish but it has a lot of images)

You could install playonlinux. Once PlayOnLinux is installed, goto manage wine versions, and install wine 1.4.1 32bit.

Then click install program -> install a non-listed program -> Install a program in a new virtual drive.

Give a name for your application virtual drive ("evernote" or whatever you like), then mark Use another version of wine and select the 1.4.1 that you've just installed. Kind of virtual drive I choose 32bit windows installation.

Browse for the installer in your drive, wait for the installation to finish and close Evernote, so PlayOnLinux can notice that the installation has finished.

This works for Evernote_5.8.13.8152 in Ubuntu 15.04.

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