Ubuntu – script to open terminal, run command and keep terminal open

bashcommand linescripts

I have simple goal of creating script to open terminal, run command and then keep terminal open.

Here is what I tried:


xterm -e -hold ls

It generates the following error:

xterm: Can't execvp -hold: No such file or directory

Then I also tried


   konsole -e --noclose ls

This simple does not do anything, when I double-click it. (I made sure that script file is executable)

I do not want to use gnome-terminal as it requires creating profile for gnome-terminal first.

Would it be easier to do in python?

Best Answer

The argument after -e is taken as a command to be executed. So for xterm, this works:

xterm -hold -e ls

I don't have Konsole installed, but this should work:

konsole --noclose -e ls