Ubuntu – Double-click on .sh file to open terminal and execute series of commands in it

bashcommand linescripts

I'm trying to double click on a file that does this:

#Mount USB Jump, Copy files to it, Unmount it.
[open terminal (so that I can see what 's going on)]
pmount /dev/sdc JUMP
sleep 2s
cp -p -u source/path/ destination/path/
read -p "Press enter to unmount Jump or ctrl c to abort."
pumount /dev/sdc
[close terminal]

The two lines I don't know how to write are [open terminal] and [close terminal]
Anyone knows how to do this?

Many thanks folks, I bundled your input together and eventually got there.

I double-click on the .sh file that says: 'terminal -hold -e /path/to/JumpBkp.sh' and it opens a terminal and gives me the whole rundown onscreen.

It was cool to receive so much input in so little time. Many thanks again.

2nd Edit:
I've come up with an option that makes it even sweeter. I post it in case anyone bumps into this thread.

terminal -hold -e bash '/path/to/JumpBkp.sh'

The 'bash' spares me of that darn: "Warning: Could not find '/path/to/file.sh', starting '/bin/bash' instead. Please check your profile settings."


Best Answer

gnome-terminal -e command


terminal -e command

See Here for details: How can I make a script that opens terminal windows and executes commands in them?

Also of interest: How do I run executable scripts in Nautilus?

And some creativity with passing multiple commands: Passing multiple commands to gnome-terminal from a script

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