GNOME – Permanent Custom Keyboard Shortcuts for Evince (Document Viewer)


I am using the Ubuntu document viever Evince. Lately, I found out how to add custom keyboard shortcuts for the program. I was searching for a way to add a shortcut e.g. for View / Best fit (also available as a button). What I found was the Keyboard shortcut page which describes how to setup shortcuts using gconf-editor. That worked as described. However, once I restart my system the shortcuts are gone. How can I set them permanently?

Best Answer

For Ubuntu 12.04 and up:

Use dconf-editor instead of gconf-editor:

sudo apt-get install dconf-tools

Then set the key /org/gnome/desktop/interface/can-change-accels to true.

Setting shortcuts when using global menu:

  1. Open evince (or any app) with UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 evince
  2. Browse menus, hover an entry, type your shortcut