Ubuntu – Open Terminal with multiple tabs and execute application

bashcommand linescripts

I am new to linux shell scripting. I want to write a shell script which will open terminal with multiple tabs; it should run rtsp client app in each tab.

For this, I have gone through question here in this forum and tried to code like bellow,

tab="--tab-with-profile=Default -e "
cmd="java RunRTSPClient"
for i in 1 2 3 4 5
   foo="$foo $tab $cmd"         
gnome-terminal $foo
exit 0

This is running and opens the terminal window with tabs but suddenly it will close.
I am not getting any errors.

Best Answer

Use this variant of the script to do what you want:


cmd="bash -c 'java RunRTSPClient';bash"

for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do
      foo+=($tab -e "$cmd")         

gnome-terminal "${foo[@]}"

exit 0

Generally, a script like this:


cmd="bash -c '<command-line_or_script>';bash"

for i in 1 2 ... n; do
      foo+=($tab -e "$cmd")         

gnome-terminal "${foo[@]}"

exit 0

will open a new terminal with n tabs executing the <command-line_or_script> in each tab. This can be very useful when you want for example to open a terminal with some tabs with the interpreter at a specific path (using cd /path in the above script).

Also, read man bash, this post and this post to understand the changes.

I have tested these scripts and they work.