Ubuntu – No JS module ‘tweener’ found in search path, Gnome shell extension error on Ubuntu 20.10


Today I upgraded Ubuntu 20.04 to Ubuntu 20.10 and there is problem in one of the extensions in Gnome shell extensions.

The Extension Panel OSD giving the error "No JS module 'tweener' found in search path".

How to resolve this?

Best Answer

The tweener module has been moved to a new path, from imports.ui.tweener to imports.tweener.tweener. In the exention's repository, somebody already created a merge request to merge the necessary changes into the code, but the extension's developer hasn't merged it yet.

You can either wait until the developer does the change and puts out a new version of the extension, or - if you feel comfortable with it - change the import path in your local copy of the extension yourself. You can look up in the merge request what to change.