Ubuntu – Can’t Right-Click on Gnome-Shell Panel to Add Extension



I've upgraded to 11.10 today, and have been toying with gnome-shell extensions – gnome-shell version 3.2.0.

When it comes to add one to the top panel, I have hit a brick wall. Right-clicking on the panel does nothing.

Am I doing something wrong – is one supposed to add extensions to the top panel by some other method?


  • "Installing" an extension
  • holding alt while right-clicking on top panel

Best Answer

you can't add extensions by right clicking the panel. You have to create a dir in ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/extension_name@your_host

and create there 2 files: extension.js and metadata.json

and add code to whatever you want to add onto panel to extension.js and some info into metadata.json

in gnome-shell 3.0.x in .js you have to add function main() { } in gnome-shell 3.2.x: function enable() { /* code to execute on enabling this extension */ } function disable() { } and function init() { }