Ubuntu – “libmtp error: Could not get file from device.” on attempting to transfer files from Android phone


I am attempting to transfer files from my OnePlus X Android phone to my fairly fresh Ubuntu 16.10 installation. After the phone is mounted (and I can see file, navigate the filesystem etc.), when I attempt to transfer files from the phone to the Ubuntu system, I am presented with the following error message:

libmtp error:  Could not get file from device.

What might be going wrong here? I have previously installed libmtpserver-dev and mtp-server.

Best Answer

  1. Install this dependency to build libmtp

    sudo apt-get install libusb-dev --install-suggests

  2. Get the libmtp here libmtp Latest Download

  3. Extract the file using a file explorer program [or via the terminal]

    tar xvf libmtp-1.1.1.tar.gz

  4. cd into the new directory you just extracted
  5. Configure (MAKE SURE YOU'RE ARE IN THE /libmtp-*/ DIR)

    ./configure --prefix=/usr make

  6. Install (AGAIN, MAKE SURE YOU'RE IN THE /libmtp-*/ DIR)

    sudo make install

  7. Copy rules to /etc/udev/rules.d/ (you might wanna double check the rules.d/ dir to see if coping over the new set of rules is necessary ... it probably is)

    sudo cp 69-libmtp.rules /etc/udev/rules.d

  8. Install the gMTP GUI Util

    sudo apt-get install gmtp --install-suggests

  9. Open/Run the gmtp program from the menu or term and enjoy!

NOTE: If you have issues you might need to disconnect the device. Or restart. Or update things... sudo apt-get update and/or sudo apt-get upgrade

Hope this helps, if so vote up. If more help is needed hit me up and I'll do what I can.