Ubuntu – Why can’t I rename folders on the Android device from the Ubuntu interface


When I connect my Android phone to my Ubuntu 14.10 computer (Gnome Flashback), it connects without errors, and a Nautilus window opens:

Phone in Nautilus

I went into Phone/Music directory, and I wanted to create a new folder named Playlists, because I'm trying to get Banshee to sync music, and I read that having a folder called Playlists might help. Nautilus let me create a folder called Untitled Folder, but then when I tried to rename it to Playlists, I got this error:

libmtp error

The item could not be renamed. Sorry, could not rename "Untitled
Folder" to "Playlists": libmtp error: could not set object property

How do I get flawless MTP connectivity to my phone from Ubuntu?

Best Answer

You are using v1.1.6 of libmtp which is not the very latest; in Vivid version 1.1.8 is available.

You could try a new version of libmtp to see if this resolves your issue (it could be a bug in that particular versioin) - one such source is my PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fossfreedom/libmtp
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

If this doesnt work for you, rollback using ppa-purge

sudo ppa-purge ppa:fossfreedom/libmtp
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