Ubuntu – Is there any way to use global menu in Xubuntu 16.04


I'm using Xubuntu 16.04 on a laptop, which means a confined screen space and a desperate need for global menu. I've tried I've tried topmenu (the classic option), but it looks like it hasn't been updated for 16.04 yet. Then I discovered that it's in the official repos, but still it doesn't work. When I try to add the plugin to a panel the only result is panel becoming opaque.

I've also tried vala-panel-appmenu (the alternative version), but I failed to understand how to compile it.

Is there a way to get global menu working in 16.04, or I should just relax and wait for topmenu to be updated?

Best Answer

WebUpd8 (the site you linked) has an updated instructions to make it work in Xubuntu 16.04. Some manual configurations are required such as creating a shell script in /etc/profile.d/topmenu-gtk.sh.

Note that the functionality of TopMenu in Xubuntu16.04 is very limited compared to Ubuntu 14.04. It only works with GTK2 and 3 apps. Qt4 and Thunderbird support was removed. In addition, Firefox recently stopped working with TopMenu, and TopMenu have no support for Qt5, Chrome, or LibreOffice, so YMMV.

EDIT: Vala Panel AppMenu PPA is now available from WebUpd8. Like TopMenu, some manual configurations are required so make sure you read and follow the instructions carefully.