Ubuntu – ny SCP program available for Ubuntu that does not require SFTP on a remote host


I need a program that can manage files on a remote device running Linux using SCP. The remote device runs OpenWrt. On Windows there is a perfect one WinSCP. it is weird that there is no native program that can be used.

The program should be able to:

  • list files
  • copy and move files to/from the device and within the device.
  • delete files on the device
  • view and edit files
  • change file permissions

I have found only one alternative, except using CLI and installing WinSCP with wine.

It is Midnight Commander with fish. It works really poor. The problems are:

  1. It mixes up ~ on a remote device and on the computer.
  2. It can't edit files. I can open and edit, but they are saved to a wrong place.

There is a lot of other annoying problems that makes it almost unusable. I gave up using mc and now I am using pure shell on the remote device.

Please do not tell me that Nautilus, etc support these features. They don't!!!

Linux native file managers require SFTP that is not available on the remote device.

Maybe it is possible to get nautilus use SCP, but I did not find a way of doing it without changing sources.


I have a specific requirement that is not covered in the duplicate question.

If it is not possible on Ubuntu, then this could be an answer.

Best Answer

Update : The problem here is that openwrt does not support linux clients without installing the sftp server.

See https://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/sftp.server

openwrt has no intention of resolving this, see https://trac.cyberduck.io/ticket/4161

So, from the first link, the solution , server side, is to install openssh-sftp-server

opkg update
opkg install openssh-sftp-server

You can then use any number of graphical clients or sshfs - see What is a program similar to WinSCP? and What is a program similar to WinSCP?

Alternate is to use winscp with wine

sudo apt-get install wine
wine winscp.exe