Ubuntu – scp permission denied after WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!


I was using scp and ssh suddenly some warning about


man-in-the-middle attack

From that moment when that warning appeared till now, I can copy files via sftp but it is impossible to use scp. What's going on? I tried removing .ssh/known_hosts but it is always the same. When scp myfile user@server:/Folder, I get the following message.

scp: /Folder: Permission denied

Best Answer

first, this is a security issue.

Here is a nice review article:


Basically ssh servers (openssh-server) use keys to identify themselves and prevent others from mimicking them. A "man in the middle" might, for example, capture your user name and password.

You can fix it via several methods, I prefer

ssh-keygen -R server

Before you do that, however, you should check with the server sys admin to see if the (server) keys were changed.

For your scp error, you need to use the full path. My guess would be:

scp myfile user@server:/home/user_name/Folder
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