Inkscape – How to Import Vector Graphics to Inkscape

file formatfontsgraphicsinkscapevector-drawings

I'm producing vector graphics in my research with Maethematica and/or MATLAB, and I want to combine a few of them. I thought the best would be to use inkscape to do that, but unfortunately inkscape messes up the text in my graphics (usually the axes labels and greek glyphs, but also plain text).

This happens when I export the files in either PDF, SVG or EPS formats.

I'd really like to learn about two types of solutions:

  1. Is there an easy way to fix this (install fonts etc)?


  2. Is there a more suitable program than inkscape?

Best Answer

I don't know how to completely solve this problem, but this is the workaround that I use at the moment:

  • The pdf2svg package transforms a a pdf to svg by vectorizing the text using the embedded fonts, so it doesn't matter if inkscape has or hasn't access to these fonts.
  • The downside is that after the vectorization one cannot modify the text any more. For this I use TeXText