Ubuntu – How to use Wubi in a “Frozen Disk” environment (aka computer labs)


I teach computer skills in a computer lab which uses a disk management system on to keep WinXP in a know state between reboots. I'd like to add a Wubi installation, but I keep getting the same error the there's no hibernation file.


  1. Unlock the drive
  2. Install Wubi and customize
  3. Relock the drive
  4. Choose to boot Ubuntu
  5. Receive error about NTFS partition not having a hibernation file.

The management system is Saming, which is on network card firmware and is Chinese, so I don't have details about how it works, but I assume that it sets the XP partition to look as if it is hibernated and then loads the hibernation file from memory or something similar.

Has anyone had experience with these types of systems and Wubi? Are there any workarounds?

Best Answer

BCBC is the best Wubi expert I know of:


I have had the hibernation of a dual-install fail. If hibernation is sharing it's partition that can be a problem.