Ubuntu – How to remove Cinnamon


Today I installed Cinnamon 1.4 but when I log in to it I can't see any panels, just my background image. Can you tell me how to log in to Unity using the terminal and how to remove Cinnamon?

Best Answer

From your post on Ubuntu Forums

Boot into Recovery mode and type this for the var/apt/cache error:
sudo mount -n -o remount /

Then disable auto login from virtual console by doing the following
sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

Some of the lines should look like this


Just put a # before all lines starting with autologin

Then whenever you boot into Ubuntu just change the login to unity from the lightdm's login screen options

Also you might want to remove Cinnamon
Then type in the terminal

sudo apt-get --purge autoremove cinnamon

Hope that helps.

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