Ubuntu – Unity, gnome-shell and Cinnamon don’t have their top panel after removing Lubuntu


Using Ubuntu 12.04. First it came with Unity, then with a zeal of trying other Desktop Environments and I have installed GNOME-shell and no conflicts, works fine. Then I have gone through Lubuntu and Xubuntu as well. But some panel problem started with Lubuntu raised and I have removed Lubuntu DE from my PC.

But that thing got conflicted with my Unity, GNOME and Cinnamon & they are not working. These three are not having only of their Panels. I just see any empty desktop. Currently only KDE and Xfce can run fine with my Ubuntu 12.04. But I want to get back with Unity, GNOME and Cinnamon also.

This is how my desktop look like enter image description here

Best Answer

I have experienced this bug as well. The only way I have been able to fix this is by deleting my ~/.config folder. A better option is to simply move your .config folder into another folder

mv -f ~/.config ~/.backupconfig

in case you are unfamiliar with terminal commands:

'mv' is the move command and '-f' forces the move

This will return Unity to normal and allow you to use it again, though you will have to set up your Launcher panel again. I have yet to find a way to use both together, unfortunately, because I really like Lubuntu and Unity. I hope problems will be resolved when LXQt is finished and Unity migrates to Qt. I think the problems arise mainly from openbox, and some sort of conflicting config there.