Ubuntu – How to pause GIF animation at specific frame


Is there any kind of GIF/Image viewer, which is able to pause GIF animation at a specific frame or on mouse click?

I tried using 'Image Viewer', but it seems there is no way to stop the GIF animation.

Here is an example which I would like to pause:

Rotating triangle GIF

Best Answer

The simplest way to do it is play your gif animation in mplayer

Open your gif file in mplayer using following command

  mplayer -loop 0  -speed 0.2 your_gif


-loop 0 means it will run your gif image untill you are not closing it and
-speed 0.2 means it will decrease the animation speed to 20%.

You can pause your animation by pressing the Space button .
mplayer will also show the frame information of your running gif in terminal.

enter image description here