Ubuntu – How to make Google Chrome not start as service


I found Google Chrome running as service after I installed it, at each reboot.
This would not be a problem, if it won't eath 100% cpu. I would not like to uninstall it, but I'll be forced to do that if I can't find a way to disable its remain in memory as a service.

I couldn't find anything in Boot-Up-Manager, so I'm asking where to search…

Best Answer

Type this command s in terminal

cd /etc/xdg/autostart/

sudo sed --in-place 's/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g' *.desktop

And do a reboot , click the top Right-Corner Settings icon , to select Startup Applications.

enter image description here

If Google Chrome is present in list there , just Unselect to stop Autostarting it.

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