Ubuntu – How to install/run PISKEL after it was downloaded

downloadssoftware installation

I downloaded a program called Piskel and I can't figure out how to activate it.

I am trying to make a game on Linux Ubuntu and struggling immensely. I needed sprites for the game and they would help me visualize what was happening while testing and such. I looked around online and found a pixel art program called Pixel…

I had seen the program before but didn't think anything of it. When I decided to test it out, and watch a few online videos on how it worked, I fell in love. Unfortunately, I won't always have access to the online version. I sought a downloadable version and discovered they had one for Linux computers!

I clicked download, downloaded it as a ".zip" file, extracted the files and now I don't know what to do.

For the record, yes. I did try to download the Windows version and use Wine but it kept getting an error.

How do I run it and is there a step I'm missing? If so, what is it?

Best Answer

Running it is straightforward.

  1. Double click the downloaded zip file and unzip the package to your home directory. This will create a directory Piskel-0.11.0-64bits.
  2. Open a terminal (CTRL + ALT + T).
  3. Entercd Piskel-0.11.0-64bits.
  4. Enter ./piskel.

The Piskel window appears. Unfortunately, this program does not follow application standards so there is no easy way to add this to your launcher.

You need to tell the operating system where to look for the piskel command. In this case, that is the current directory, indicated by .. So the command ./piskel means "look in the current directory and execute the program piskel located there".

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