I built Image Magick 7.0.7 from source on my Ubuntu 18.04 system.* Typing magick identify -version
into the terminal now returns
Version: ImageMagick 7.0.7-37 Q16 x86_64 2018-05-31 https://www.imagemagick.org
Copyright: © 1999-2018 ImageMagick Studio LLC
License: https://www.imagemagick.org/script/license.php
Features: Cipher DPC HDRI OpenMP
Delegates (built-in):
It has no delegates installed, and now I need to get it to work with common file types like .jpg, .png, and .tif. I did use ./configure --enable-shared
, but nonetheless, those formats are missing. However, clearly there exist shared libraries on my system for those.
The Delegate Library Configuration entries for the formats I'm most concerned about is confusing:
JPEG v1 --with-jpeg=yes no
OpenEXR --with-openexr=yes no
PNG --with-png=yes no
TIFF --with-tiff=yes no
The 2nd row seems to show it tried to install those formats, but the last row seems to show no installation occurred. I thus don't know what to do with this information.
Can I install the missing delegates from the delegate packages they have available?
Edit: This answer provides a partial solution, but still a lot of delegates are missing, including the one I really need, TIFF. The question the answer is for shows a lot of effort to install from the delegate library maintained by Image Magick with no success, which is discouraging. Installing from there still seems like the best option at this point, if someone has advice on that.
*(It fails 2 tests when make check
is run so it executes its test suite, and I've opened an issue on their GitHub repo as the log requests.)
Best Answer
It looks like you have simply skipped some of the required Bionic Beaver development libraries. Once these are installed you should be good to go!
1. 'Development' Files:
Easiest way to generate the required list of development libraries is to make sure you have the 'Sources' box ticked in 'Software & Updates' and then run the following command from a Terminal:
This simulated run (-s) will give you an eye-watering number of files to install (240mb download on a clean Bionic Beaver install). I have done this already for you so simply run the following single command to load up the required development files:
On top of these development files we can add a few more to round out the ImageMagick installation, checkinstall to assist in packaging and a few more -dev files to build some delegates not seen in the standard Ubuntu package. The following is again a single command:
2. Download , compile & install:
Then run the following single command to download the latest ImageMagick and successfully build it:
Where I have indicated:
./configure --with-rsvg && make
you can substantially speed up the compile by adding something like the following:./configure --with-rsvg && make -j 4
, adding in an integer commensurate with the number of cores available from your processor...3. Test the installation:
Testing this version reveals your required delegates safely installed:
And now you have the very latest ImageMagick installed on Bionic Beaver with all of the delegates that you required and a few extra ones for good measure:).