Ubuntu – How to get Synapse to search the Tomboy notes


In this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/synapse-project/+bug/683550 it says
"Tomboy has a dataprovider for Zeitgeist, so if you have that Tomboy notes should be easily searchable using Synapse"

I've got the Zeitgeist PPA from here: https://launchpad.net/~zeitgeist/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=maverick. I installed the package zeitgeist-datasource-tomboy, but still cannot get tomboy notes in Synapse's search results. How do I get it to work?

Best Answer

I am the person who developed zeitgeist-datasource-tomboy. Due to tomboy note format you can only search by the title of the Note and not by the contents.

This is a limitation because for that the whole content of the note has to be stored as an event. (Actually it can be, but doesn't make much sense to fill the database with content already present in Notes)

Try searching by Note Title, if it doesn't work then I can look further.

If you have not enabled this plugin, then please goto Tomboy preferences, and check Zeitgeist Dataprovider