Ubuntu – How to disable window move with alt + left mouse button in Xubuntu


Title pretty much explains it all. I tried viewing other questions with the same topic, but none of the solutions work.

I tried CCSM, and I de-ticked "Move Window", nothing happened. I tried using gconf-editor to change /apps/metacity/general/mouse_button_modifier, but still, it didn't work.

Is there any solution? I'm using Xubuntu, by the way.

Best Answer

If you go to the Xfce menu and choose settings > settings manager > window manager tweaks > accessibility, you can select another key instead of alt to move the windows or choose none at all. This should be just what you want.

You can also use xfconf-query to set easy_click to none (or another key) on the command-line:

xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/easy_click -s none

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