How to Disable KDE Wallet


I'm using Ubuntu Maverick (Gnome), a month ago I updated like usual whenever Update Manager informed me of new updates. The thing that happened is that a program called kdewallet got installed on my machine, and every time I try to do something that requires password like svn, it pops up and starts getting really annoying. How can I get rid of it? It's not even in the Synaptic Package Manager.

Best Answer

KDE Wallet is a core part of KDE, it's in the package kdebase-runtime.

To disable it run kcmshell4 kwalletconfig and continue at step 3 or start from the beginning:

  1. Start System setings
  2. Open Account Details
  3. Go to the "KDE Wallet" tab
  4. Uncheck Enable the KDE Wallet subsystem
  5. Click Apply to apply the changes and close the settings window.

To get a list of the programs that depends on the kdebase-runtime package, run:

 apt-cache --no-enhances --no-suggests --no-recommends --installed rdepends kdebase-runtime

On Ubuntu, the output shows just "kdebase-runtime [newline] Reverse Depends:". On Kubuntu, a whole list follows.

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