NTFS – How to Fix a ‘Dirty’ NTFS Partition Without Using Chkdsk


When I try to do a ntfsck to a NTFS partition I get this:

sudo ntfsck /dev/sdb1
Unsupported: replay_log()
Volume is dirty.
Unsupported: check_volume()
Checking 161792 MFT records.
Unsupported cases found.

How can I clean a "dirty" NTFS volume without having to actually use windows chkdsk tool in the NTFS volume.

I also did a ntfsfix and it said that everything was OK but it actually was not.

I also get the same "Dirty" error when trying to check the filesystem using the Disk Utility:

enter image description here

I am starting to think I need some powerful soap.

Best Answer

Try using ntfsfix, which was part of the old ntfsprogs package and is now located in the ntfs-3g package (which you may already have installed).
This is a command line utility which attempts to fix common NTFS problems. It's been a while since I last used it, but it should do its job simply by typing:

sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdb1

It also offers a specific option to clear the "dirty" flag on the partition:

sudo ntfsfix -d /dev/sdb1

which might or might not be required in addition to the first command. Have a look at man ntfsfix for more information.

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