Ubuntu – How to configure tor-arm


What is the proper way to configure arm command in tor-arm package to work on 14.04? Because every time I run arm it returns:

Connection refused. Is the ControlPort enabled? 

I didn't happen to come across on some good solution while googling, I found this tutorial but still no luck, I guess I'm missing a point somewhere.

Best Answer

First you have to configure TOR For this : We can find the configuration file at /etc/tor/torrc. It’s owned by root, so we’ll have to sudo to edit it:

$ sudo nano /etc/tor/torrc

We’ll uncomment the options we need, and set them to the appropriate values, ending up with something like this:

ORPort 9001
DirPort 9030
ExitPolicy reject *:*
Nickname trustytohr
RelayBandwidthRate 1 MB
RelayBandwidthBurst 2 MB
AccountingStart month 1 00:00
AccountingMax 100 GB
DisableDebuggerAttachment 0**

The most important settings are probably ORPort, DirPort and ExitPolicy

after this restart TOR and run arm

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