Ubuntu – How to change ubuntu’s server date and time via command line

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The Ubuntu server's current date and time is different from the time zone date and time. I have tried using:

sudo date "30 Sep 2015 4:43:42"

to change it but it did not change the date and time, just printed on terminal the date and time I changed, but when I executed:

sudo hwclock --show

The date and time is still the old one.

What is the correct way to change date and time of Ubuntu Server?

Best Answer

You can set the system date with this command:

sudo date --set="2015-09-30 10:05:59.990"

Then when using date, it should be showed correctly.

Now you should also the set hardware clock in the BIOS of the system, that the setting persists over a reboot (dureing the startup the system time is set to the value of the hardware clock). Do that with hwclock:

sudo hwclock --systohc

This gets the system clocks (sys) value and sets the hardware clock (hc). Check it with the hwclock command. Both hwclock and date should now show the same date and time.

To set your timezone, you can use this command:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

BTW: If you use a this machine as a server, I strongly recommend using an NTP-Client to sync the time over network. So you can guarantee that all your servers have the exactly same time set. This will sync the time while the machine runs. If you have applications which are dependent of synced time over server, I recommend the NTP-Daemon. The longer it runs in the background, the more precise is the time.

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