Ubuntu – Gnome shell “show desktop” shortcut


I been thinking of anyone could guide me up, that in ubuntu 11.10 with gnome 3,
there is a option ctrl+alt+d to show the desktop by minimizing the current window.

What I was thinking was that if I press ctrl+alt+d it will lead to desktop screen and when
I press again ctrl+alt+d to go back to my working window..

As of now it doesnt work in this way ..is there any way out to do that same

Best Answer

With Gnome Shell (17.10+)

The default keybind is Ctrl + Super + d. The setting is called Hide all normal windows

You can change it in Settings > Keyboard Shortcuts > Navigation:


With Unity (before 17.10)

The patch is already released but if you still face that problem use the following:

  • Click your username on the top right of the screen and select System Settings.

  • Under Hardware click Keyboard.

  • Switch to the Shortcuts tab, and click Navigation in the left column. Scroll down and select Hide all normal windows which has a default value of Disabled.
