Ubuntu – “fuse: bad mount point No such file or directory” but the file exists


My system is 32-bit so this answer doesn't help me.

I am trying to use sshfs to no avail:

$ sshfs -o IdentityFile=/home/aventinus/.ssh/id_rsa [name]@X.X.X.X:/data/[folder name]/[folder name]/ /home/aventinus/[folder name]/
SSHFS version 2.5
fuse: bad mount point `IdentityFile=/home/aventinus/.ssh/id_rsa': No such file or directory

But this makes no sense because:

$ cd /home/[user]/.ssh/
$ ls -l
total 12
-rw-rw-rw- 1 aventinus aventinus 1679 Sep 19 17:22 id_rsa
-rw-rw-rw- 1 aventinus aventinus  408 Sep 19 17:22 id_rsa.pub
-rw-rw-rw- 1 aventinus aventinus 1326 Sep 20 09:18 known_hosts

What am I doing wrong? The files are indeed there but I get "No such file or directory". Also, when I try to get them using bash, pressing tab doesn't autocomplete the name of the files. How is this possible?

edit 1: I know that the permissions on the files are over-permissive as @steeldriver mentioned in the comments. I did that in order to make sure that permissions is not the problem. I was running out of ideas.

edit 2: After @Jakuje's comments:

$ set -x
+ set -x
$ sshfs -o sshfs_debug [name]@X.X.X.X:/data/[folder name]/[folder name]/ /home/aventinus/[folder name]/
+ sshfs -o sshfs_debug [name]@X.X.X.X:/data/[folder name]/[folder name]/ /home/aventinus/[folder name]/
SSHFS version 2.5
read: Connection reset by peer

edit 3: After @Jakuje's answer:

$ sshfs [name]@X.X.X.X:/data/[folder name]/[folder name]/ /home/aventinus/[folder name]/ -o IdentityFile=/home/aventinus/.ssh/id_rsa
read: Connection reset by peer


$ sshfs [name]@X.X.X.X:/data/[folder name]/[folder name]/ /home/aventinus/[folder name]/ -o sshfs_debug -o IdentityFile=/home/aventinus/.ssh/id_rsa
SSHFS version 2.5
fuse: invalid argument `IdentityFile=/home/aventinus/.ssh/id_rsa'

So indeed, for some reason, sshfs cannot read the id_rsa file but as I have shown you, it is there. How is this possible?

edit 4: After @Jakuje's comments on his answer:

$ sshfs [name]@X.X.X.X:/data/[folder name]/[folder name]/ /home/aventinus/[folder name]/ -o LogLevel=DEBUG3 -o IdentityFile=/home/aventinus/.ssh/id_rsa
read: Connection reset by peer


$ sshfs [name]@X.X.X.X:/data/[folder name]/[folder name]/ /home/aventinus/[folder name]/ -d -o debug -o IdentityFile=/home/aventinus/.ssh/id_rsa
FUSE library version: 2.9.4
nullpath_ok: 0
nopath: 0
utime_omit_ok: 0
ssh: connect to host X.X.X.X port 22: Connection timed out
read: Connection reset by peer

I really don't understand this.

Best Answer

The order of the synopsis matters:

sshfs [user@]host:[dir] mountpoint [options]

Therefore you should use

$ sshfs [user@server] [/path/to/mountpoint] -o IdentityFile=/home/[user]/.ssh/id_rsa

as manual page for sshfs suggests.

Edit: You can't even ping the host, so the problem is in the network. Check if there is some firewall on the way or something else blocking the connection.