Ubuntu – fuse: bad mount point `/mnt’: Transport endpoint is not connected


I needed to locally edit remote files on my server, so I tried to mount the whole remote file system (/) on my local system with SSHFS like so:

 $ sshfs username@domain.com:// /mnt -p 22

Then it stuck (cursor blinking, no output), so obviously I cancelled it with Ctrl+C.

After that, the mount point folder /mnt became sort of unusable, unreachable (you name it) and kept returning me this error message on any attempt to access it:

fuse: bad mount point `/mnt': Transport endpoint is not connected

And it took this weird look in its parent folder:

$ ls -l /
d?????????   ? ?    ?        ?            ? mnt`

How can I resolve the error and get back to normal?

What should I do to be able to use SSHFS?

Best Answer

1. Kill all sshfs processes

  • Either with killall command:

    killall sshfs

    or selectively:

  • Find all running sshfs processes:

    ps -ef | grep sshfs | grep -v grep

    Say you've got two of them running:

    $ ps -ef | grep sshfs | grep -v grep
    root     10906  5170  0 07:14 pts/0    00:00:00 sudo sshfs
    root     10907 10906  0 07:14 pts/0    00:00:00 sshfs 
  • Now kill them both or selectively by identifying them by their PID:

    sudo kill -9 10906 10907

2. Unmount your mount point

sudo umount -l /mnt

3. Edit /etc/fuse.conf so you never meet the fuse: bad mount point `/mnt': Transport endpoint is not connected error again:

  • Open it as root with your favorite editor, for example

    sudo atom /etc/fuse.conf
  • Uncomment the user_allow_other line.
  • Save and close.

4. Use SSHFS with the following options:

sudo sshfs \
-d \
-o allow_other \
-o reconnect \
-o ServerAliveInterval=15 \
user@domain.com:/ /mnt \
-p 12345 \
  • -d turns debug mode on (gives more output)
  • -o stands for "option"
  • -p allows you to specify port number
  • -C turns on compression
