Ubuntu – Expose-like spread mode in unity 2d without compiz


I'm using ubuntu 11.04 with unity-2d but without compiz because my computer has a two-screen setup.
I'd like to know if there's any way of having a view of all active applications running like Mac OS X' Expose feature. Super+w doesn't work on unity-2d, which is a recognized bug.
I've noticed some related topics (for example : Can Unity display a Launcher icon for Spread Mode?) but all are based on compiz and therefore are not relevant for me.
Does anyone has a clue on how to do this whithout compiz?
Thanks for your help


Best Answer

The program that does this has been a plugin for Compiz for some time. I have not seen this replicated in any other porgram, though i've seen similar in KWin (for KDE; don't use if you are on Gnome/Unity)