Ubuntu – Dropbox ‘Copy Public Link’ in Thunar file manager (Xfce)


I'm using XUbuntu and was a bit saddened that I couldn't use Dropbox within Thunar file manager.

Can I make a custom context menu option to 'copy public link' in Thunar?

Best Answer

This solution works for me:

  1. Install nautilus-dropbox (yes, it uses Nautilus, but we will integrate it in Thunar at step 4)

    sudo apt-get install nautilus-dropbox
  2. Start Dropbox daemon:

  3. Add Dropbox to start-up:

    Settings Manager > Session and Startup > Applications Autostart > Add

    under "Name", enter "Dropbox"

    under "Command", enter "/home/USERNAME/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd"

  4. Install the Dropbox Thunar extension: 32bit, 64bit or source

For me, it works like a charm, except that, when I click to "Open Dropbox Folder" from Dropbox panel applet, it opens Nautilus instead of Thunar.

edit: It is also useful to add a Dropbox folder link to Thunar's sidebar. This can be done simply by draging-'n'-droping Dropbox folder to the sidebar.