Ubuntu – Install Dropbox in Xubuntu


Using Xubuntu 11.10

I figured there might be a problem installing Dropbox using the .deb file from the website since XFCE doesn't use Nautilus.

Some tutorials said that you have to install Nautilus first which I did. But when I installed Dropbox there weren't any problems and it even shows a symbol in the tray without me having to add anything.

What I want to know is if installing Nautilus was necessary or not and which file manager I'm using now, Thunar or Nautilus?

Best Answer

This is two questions. First, the .deb file you installed has "nautilus" as one of its requirements. I can confirm this, because I had to install the gnome runtime stuff and Nautilus in order to get it to install.

Secondly, unless you reconfigured your system's default window explorer, you are using Thunar. This is because doing apt-get install nautilus generally will not reassign the default to Nautilus.

Having Nautilus and Thunar alongside each other isnt a negative thing either, you can do that without negative consequences (I run Dolphin (KDE) and Nautilus (GNOME) on the same system, because sometimes I use KDE, and neither resets the default of the other unless i'm in the other's DE)

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