Ubuntu – Create a script to open firefox with some google search term from terminal

command linefirefoxscripts

Is there any way to create a script or a program that will open firefox, go onto google and search for the arguments passed to it ?

So something like

google How do I shoot web

should open Firefox with http://www.google.com/search?q=How+do+I+shoot+web

I found this script

google() {
    echo "Googling: $@"
    for term in $@; do
    xdg-open "http://www.google.com/search?q=$search"

but I need to paste it into the terminal each time I want to use it …

So basically, what do I have to do to make the above script work without having to paste it into the terminal every time ?

Best Answer

Just paste the below function inside ~/.bashrc file and then source(source ~/.bashrc) it.

google() {
    echo "Googling: $@"
    for term in $@; do
    xdg-open "http://www.google.com/search?q=$search"

After that you can open google search page directly by google search-string command without pasting the above function everytime on terminal.