I've been having an issue lately trying to figure out how to get my shell script to paste a command into a ssh terminal after automatically logging into an ssh terminal. I am trying to setup a cron tab that will execute my shell script that automatically logs into an ssh terminal for my Ubiquiti access point and inserts a command to turn the LED off at a certain time. So far I've been able to automatically SSH into the access point when I run the shell script but when it logs in it doesn't paste the command. After I manually exit the SSH terminal, the echo command runs and put the command in after leaving the terminal. I was wondering if anyone could help me figure this out. I've been looking everywhere but can't find any answers. Thank you ahead of time. This is the code I have currently in my shell script. The command I want to be able to run in the SSH terminal is ("mgmt.led_pattern_override=2" >> /var/etc/persistent/cfg/mgmt)
sshpass -p "password" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no username@;
echo '"mgmt.led_pattern_override=2" >> /var/etc/persistent/cfg/mgmt';
Best Answer
Instead of starting an interactive ssh session, pass the echo command directly as an argument to ssh:
Your other option would be to use
to script the interactive session - but that's overcomplicated for this case.