Ubuntu – Compiling and installing Intel graphics card drivers

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I have a laptop which has an Intel core 2 duo processor with in-built graphics card. I have some issues with the video drivers. I want to know from where I can get latest sources code for the drivers, and also need suggestions about the best way of compiling and installing the driver.

Best Answer

Instead of compiling the drivers yourself you can just add this PPA to your system and update it. All the instructions you need are on the page itself. Follow them carefully, and remember, you do this at your own risk (so the developers are not responsible for breakage).

You can add this PPA to your system using he command sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa.

It is however strongly recommended to stay with the default drivers that are installed by Ubuntu since they have been widely tested.

If you are looking for something newer but still regarded as stable then look to installing the x-updates PPA

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates