Ubuntu – click away notifications (notify-osd)


Is it possible to click away those fancy notifications?
Often I have to wait until those bubbles vanish and that's quite unproductive.

PS: Using currently 12.10

Best Answer

Short answer: no. By design you are unable to close them (with a click, at least).

But if that really annoys you I have read sometime ago an article on WebUpd8 showing how to install a patched NotifyOSD version and a configuration tool to make them clickable. Those packages are provided through a PPA, so the usual pitfalls on using them apply(1).

Those PPA's have packages to Quantal, so if using a PPA is ok to you give it a try. I personally have never used them, so I cannot tell how stable they are or not. If something goes wrong you can use ppa-purge to revert the changes.

Configurable NotifyOSD Bubbles For Ubuntu: Move, Close On Click, Change Colors And More ~ Web Upd8

(1) Are “PPA's” safe to add to my system, and what are some “red flags” to watch out for?