Ubuntu – Disable gnome-software’s notification bubble (notify-osd) for available updates


Running 16.04 with Unity, after every log-in I see this annoying notification bubble in the top right corner of the screen that there are updates available.

This is not only annoying, but often it is not even true, as I'm holding back some packages which should not get upgraded, but the notifier seems not to care.

How can I disable those notifications for available updates?

I do not want to disable notify-osd completely. Also, I have already disabled automatic checking for updates as I'm doing that manually using apt anyway.

Best Answer

According to this Fedoraforum.org post, you could try disabling GNOME Software's automatic downloading of updates:

gsettings set org.gnome.software download-updates false

The description of that key reads:

If enabled, GNOME Software automatically downloads updates in the background and prompts the user to install them when ready.

I don't have any updates on hand to test.