Ubuntu – Change temperature values of Night Light


The screen of my laptop (Dell XPS 15) is rather blue. I found that I can tweak it a little bit with redshift. During the day, 6000K is the perfect temperature, in the evening I tend to use 5500K.

Ubuntu has the Night Light option, so I was wondering if I just can reconfigure the day and night colors to be the ones I now manually set with redshift. Because redshift does not persist the settings. Even after just closing my laptop, those settings are gone.

So how can I configure Night Light for both day and evening temperatures?


As described here, it's possible to configure the NIGHT color using the following command:

gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.color night-light-temperature <temperature>

But is it also possible to configure the DAY color as well?

Best Answer

The screen of my laptop (Dell XPS 15) is rather blue.

An alternative could be to set the preinstalled D50 color profile to the laptop screen on the standard Settings app's Color sidebar item. (Monitor calibration misery is not needed; the D50 profile is available from the Add profile dialog).

color profile settings UI screenshot

This in itself compensates the blue-ness of the LCD to a really decent level.

It is not timed or periodic, it's on all the time. This could be your "day-time" compensation.

The night-light, when it gets turned on, will add its shift on top of this; they play nicely together.