Ubuntu – Change default width of gnome-terminal and terminator windows


Only a short question but is it possible to set the default width (and height) of terminal sessions in gnome-terminal and terminator?

I find I always resize the window once it pops up so and given how much I use terminator it makes sense (IMO) to alter the default and save myself some time later on.

Best Answer

Terminator does allow you setting up a default size. :)

Just open the file ~/.config/terminator/config with your favorite editor. You should have a section titled [layouts]. You only need to add a line within the sub-section named [[[window0]]] belonging to the [[default]] section. My configuration file, for instance, looks like this:

  enabled_plugins = CustomCommandsMenu, InactivityWatch, ActivityWatch, TerminalShot, LaunchpadCodeURLHandler, LaunchpadBugURLHandler
    scrollbar_position = hidden
    visible_bell = True
    scrollback_lines = 1000000
    foreground_color = "#ffffff"
    copy_on_selection = True
    background_color = "#300a24"
      type = Terminal
      parent = window0
      profile = default
      type = Window
      parent = ""
      profile = None
      size = 900, 600

The relevant part is only the line starting with "size", of course.