Ubuntu – Caps-lock remapping stops working


I have caps-lock key remapped to control, which usually works fine, but after some uptime and one/more suspend/awake cycles* this mapping breaks, and caps-lock reverts back to the default behavior — i.e. turning on the led and capitalizing whatever I type.
(Even though the Tweaks UI still shows it as being mapped to Ctrl — see picture below.)

Tweaks UI


  • Is this a known issue (with maybe a known fix)? (Could not find anything relevant with a quick search.)
  • Is there a way to debug the problem, preferably from the command line?

*Remark: I'm not sure it is the suspend/awake cycle that causes the problem, but I can't connect it to anything else…

Remark2: removing and readding the mapping (or rebooting) solves the problem, but it would be nice to find a more permanent solution.

Best Answer

As a workaround when the mapping breaks, restart gnome shell via:

  • Alt+F2
  • type r
  • hit enter

so it works again until it breaks again.

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