Ubuntu – How to remap the Caps Lock key to be Shift Lock


I would like Caps Lock to behave as if it were Shift Lock – so when you have Shift Lock on and press 1, it gives !. I am using GNOME, but if I can use a package for another DE on GNOME, I'm happy to hear!

Is this possible?

Best Answer

In Gnome, you can change Caps Lock beavior in Gnome-Tweak-tool, then Typing:

enter image description here

Unfortunately, due to a bug/misfeature, the descriptions are hardly readable (they are truncated too short). You should match that with the full descriptions in /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev.lst --- this seems the one you want:

 caps:shiftlock       Caps Lock toggles ShiftLock (affects all keys)

Just select a couple of them until you get what you want.