KDE – Fix Cannot Shut Down from KDE Workspace After Upgrade to Saucy


Adding to my sequel of things broken after the upgrade:

When I select shutdown from the KDE workspace, I only get back to the login screen. When I do sudo poweroff, I can halt the machine.

I have the impression that something is fundamentally broken with permissons on my system. Networking only works from a root shell, mounting as well and now shutdown.

What is up with all that?

Best Answer

My system was presenting exactly the same symptoms after the upgrade to saucy baulked halfway through at tex-common and some other packages, leaving me with a crippled laptop. Via chroot I reconfigured the policy packages as explained in your other thread dpkg-reconfigure policykit-1 policykit-desktop-privileges consolekit polkit-kde-1. I also finished off the upgrade with apt-get update && apt-get upgrade.

That probably helped, but still didn't give me a working network connection. What finally worked for me was pam-auth-update --force as explained here. So it looks like it was something "fundamentally broken with permissions".

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