Ubuntu – Cannot connect to google talk using empathy/pidgin after upgrading


I can't seem to be able to connect to google talk using either pidgin or empathy after upgrading to Ubuntu 10.10 (fresh install).

I do not know why… empathy just writes "Connecting …" forever and never connects. What can I do from there?

Google talk's web interface works just fine for me so I doubt it is a firewall issue.

EDIT: In fact sometimes it's able to connect (empathy), it just takes a LOOONG time (I'd say about 5 mins), longer than I am willing to wait. On the other hand, the web interface is able to connect in seconds.

Best Answer

I also faced this problem today. But it does connect, so this may actually be a bug in empathy/pidgin. Report it by typing this in a terminal:

ubuntu-bug empathy

Replace empathy above with pidgin if you want to report a bug in pidgin.
