Ubuntu – Can not run Okular due to “Unable to find Okular component error”


I've installed ubuntu 12.04 and installed okular but with normal user i can't run okular and give me an error that "Unable to find the Okular component." but with root user i can run it without any errors.
what should i do?

I've tried to purge and install okular itself, but this has not worked.

Best Answer

You should never run GUI programs as root unless explicitly noted. Changes are that files in your home directory now have wrong ownership. Find those files and restore the ownership:

  1. Open a terminal
  2. (optional, but recommended for verifying) Find all files that are not owned by you:

    sudo find ~ ! -user $(id -u) -ls

  3. Find all files and restore the ownership to yours:

    sudo find ~ ! -user $(id -u) -exec chown $(id -u) {} \; -ls

If unsure, you can leave a comment here with a link to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ containing the output of step 2.

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