Ubuntu – Bind byobu window to Ctrl+Shift+T shortcut

bashbyobucommand linegnome-terminalshortcut-keys

Ctrl+Shift+T shortcut runs the gnome-terminal by default. I have installed byobu, and I want this shortcut to open the latest used byobu session. When pressed multiple times, I should still have just one window.

I tried to map this shortcut to gnome-terminal, but this open multiple windows, with the same session.

The behavior I want is the same as clicking on the terminal icon in the dash. After the above map I have a behavior of "New terminal" which can be accessed by the right click on this icon. It's probably about some gnome-terminal parameter, but I don't see any related one.

Best Answer

Just add next line at the end of ~/.bashrc file (you can open it with gedit ~/.bashrc command from terminal):


