Ubuntu – Are there any desktop clients for Soundcloud


Does anyone know a good desktop client for Soundcloud (are there any)?
If not complete feature support then at least a player which can integrate and play Soundcloud account songs.

I found jamcloud, but it runs using Adobe AIR and Adobe AIR is no longer supported for Linux, furthermore if possible I want to avoid using Wine to run Adobe AIR.

Best Answer

You can try Tomahawk. There exists a Soundcloud Content Resolver. Tomahawk is abandoned.

tomahawk soundcloud resolver

tomahawk soundcloud playing track screenshot

You could install Tomahawk from a PPA for Ubuntu.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tomahawk/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tomahawk

Rhythmbox has also a Soundcloud plugin

Rhythmbox with Soundcloud plugin screenshot

For the Nuvola Player exists a feature request for soundcloud integration. You could mark the "bug" so that is affecting you.

Soundnode - An opensource SoundCloud app for desktop

Soundnode image

Harmony - An opensource app for desktop, which supports Soundcloud, Spotify etc.

Harmony image

Cumulus - An opensource SoundCloud player that lives in your menubar.

Cumulus image

Auryo - An opensource SoundCloud client for your desktop.

Auryo image

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