Ubuntu – Acestream/Sopcast on Ubuntu 17.04/17.10


I was trying to use acestream/sopcast on Ubuntu 17.04/17.10 but have no luck in getting it installed.

I tried the steps mentioned on the below post which is for 16.04 LTS, however I was not successful.

As per steps mentioned at How to watch Acestream / Sopcast Ubuntu 16.04 LTS?:

#Install acestream-engine
echo 'deb http://repo.acestream.org/ubuntu/ trusty main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/acestream.list
sudo wget -O - http://repo.acestream.org/keys/acestream.public.key | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install acestream-engine

#Install Kodi (XBMC)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa 
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install kodi kodi-pvr-iptvsimple kodi-audioencoder-* 

#Install addon p2p-streams for Kodi (video)
Install Addons for Kodi – Get Started with SuperRepo
#Start acestreamengine no root acestreamengine --client-console or acestreamengine --client-gtk #Start KODI Video - addons - p2p-streams - Addon Website-parsere

(Here I dont want to install KODI and want to run with the default VLC player).

From the above answer, it is asking to add the repository which is built for "trusty", but it is old Ubuntu version. What should be done for newer Ubuntu version as acestream repository is not available?

EDIT – I have already tried installing the windows version using wine (steps are shared by kuni_zdenek below). But I am looking for a more general way to install inside Ubuntu.

Best Answer

I managed to run acestream under Kubuntu 17.04 under wine. I made the following steps:

  1. install wine-development package. Stable might work as well
  2. download Acestream 3.1.1. for Windows
  3. install the app using wine eg. on drive C:, the installer should run smoothly
  4. set up the aliases in your .bashrc:

    ace_engine="wine ~/.wine/drive_c/users/[YOUR USER]/Application\ Data/ACEStream/engine/ace_engine.exe"
    ace_player="wine ~/.wine/drive_c/users/[YOUR USER]/Application\ Data/ACEStream/player/ace_player.exe"
  5. run in terminal ace_engine & and then ace_player

  6. Enjoy

I experience some minor malfunction of the image in window view mainly when resizing windows, full-screen works fine. The sound is OK as well. IMO this could be a general solution how to run acestream after updating to the latest Ubuntu release when the native packages are still not available