Word – How to text be justified on both the left and right sides of a line in Word

alignmentmicrosoft word

Is it possible to set Microsoft Word to display some text left-aligned and other text right-aligned on a single line? Here's an example of what I mean (vertical lines represent edges of page):

| Chickens, turkey, geese, pigeon and duck   30 |
| Cows                                      240 |
| Pigs and boar                              83 |
| Sheep                          Not applicable |

The full justify option won't work because I don't want anything in the middle of the lines. The table of contents option has the formatting I want, but only supports page numbers, which does me no good.

Best Answer


  1. Make sure you can see the ruler at the top of the page
  2. Click in the ruler to place a tab marker and then drag it over to the right hand side of your page.
  3. Now double click on the marker and change the alignment to right.
  4. Now when you press TAB while typing on that line, instead of just indenting your text a bit, you can type text aligned to the right of the page.