Windows – Why does Windows 8 application search no longer match substrings

application-launchsearchwindows 8windows-search

When I first installed Windows 8, I could start an app by hitting the Windows key once to bring up the Start screen, and then typing a substring of the app's name.

At some point since then, the "substring" part seems to have stopped working.

So now, for example, if I type chrom, I get, No apps match your search, but when I type the final e, up pops Google Chrome. Similarly, ie used to bring up Internet Explorer. Now I have to type the whole word Internet before anything is found.

Did Microsoft really change the functionality to make it much less useful, or is there just some setting somewhere that has somehow gotten twiddled to create this behaviour?

Best Answer

Check your folder options. Be sure "Find partial matches" is checked.

Control Panel -> Folder Options

enter image description here

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