Windows 10 Anniversary update: Search bar doesn’t work after update

searchstart-menuwindows 10windows-10-v1607windows-search

After I did the Windows 10 Anniversary update 1607 (Dutch, so no Cortana), my search bar in start menu stopped working.

When I click the start menu and start typing something, it either closes immediately or it freezes and stops the whole explorer.exe. If I manage to get some text in the search box it does not search, but closes again.

I tried chkdsk C: /f and sfc /scannow but it didn't find any problems. However I haven't tried to boot in safe mode yet to see if it works, but I wonder if someone knows the problem and potentially has a fix for it.

Update 1: I tried it in safe mode, but also there it does not work. Same behavior. I open it and it closes immediately.

(IT'S BACK TO FORCE CLOSING) Update 2: I tried the powershell commands provided by the link @Dave posted. My search bar isn't force closing now, but when I type the screen is blank.
Image of the current status:
search with the command "search" but blank results.

NOTE: 'search' is the term I typed in to try.

Update 3: Event viewer logs error:

Naam van toepassing met fout: SearchUI.exe, versie: 10.0.14393.351,
tijdstempel: 0x5801a548 Naam van module met fout: SearchUI.exe,
versie: 10.0.14393.351, tijdstempel: 0x5801a548 Uitzonderingscode:
0x80000003 Foutmarge: 0x00000000001f688f Id van proces met fout:
0x1d9c Starttijd van toepassing met fout: 0x01d23461791f2ca6 Pad naar
toepassing met fout:
Pad naar module met fout:
Rapport-id: 9145fff4-6be1-4ed2-8ab4-a9c8d1ccb850 Volledige pakketnaam
met fout:
Relatieve toepassings-id van pakket met fout: CortanaUI

Best Answer

I'm not sure if Cortana is installed your system or not. But I'm certainly sure that Cortana is a MAIN part of Windows Search, and in SOME of Windows 10 editions Cortana is Disabled by default. Meaning it's installed on the system, but its functionality is DISABLED. If something happened to Cortana files, then the WHOLE search system will be affected as well. Same thing happens in reverse.

So, what you actually need to do, is to reinstall Cortana from the Local Machine and not from the current user. The link that @Dave gave you is a one step but it will give an error (AS you experienced). Anyhow, I will give you the steps that I did in order to solve this issue.

  1. Go to Services and disable + Stop Windows Search. (Then Save your settings).
  2. Go to Powershell (Right-Click and open as administrator).
  3. Type Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted then hit enter.
  4. Next, Type Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}
  5. Now, go back to Services and re-enable Windows Search, Change Startup to (Automatically Delayed Start) and click on Start.
  6. Restart your system.

If you still experience problems, (press windows key + R) then type wsreset.exe, and follow the wizard. This should reset Windows Store cache (Yes, Windows Store affects all Windows built-in apps including Start menu functionality).

Method 2:

Open the command prompt as administrator, then Type:

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth

then hit enter.

Wait until it's finished then type:

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

then hit enter. Wait until it's finished.

After it's done, go to Services and check Windows Search service, it should be Started / Automatic (Delayed Start)

Restart your system and check.

Method 3 (Best Answer):

After the file is downloaded, Uncompress it then run Repair_Windows.exe as administrator to avoid any permission issues. Then follow the following steps:

From's Repair Tool window do the following:

  • Go to Repairs tab
  • Click on Open Repairs
  • Untick first option (parent option) to untick all its options.
  • Now, tick the following options:
    • 27 Set Windows Services To Default Startup
    • 28.02 Repair Windows 8/10 App Store (Completely Reset App Store)
  • Then, click Start Repairs, and the tool will do the rest of the work.

When it's done, make sure to restart your machine.

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